
Welcome! to MathSource

Welcome to MathSource.  A unique resource for Kirby Middle School students, designed to foster success in mathematics.  (Kirby Middle School students can excel academically, exhibit respect, and exude pride.)

IDT 7064-410.

     This site was designed specifically for Kirby Middle School's 8th grade math student, however all others are welcome to access and use its resources.  The purpose of this site is to bring together resources that the 8th grade algebra/pre-algebra student may need to succeed in the classroom.  Tutorials are provided for instruction in algebra and pre-algebra skills.  Games make practicing math skills fun and interesting.  A project page has been added so that students will have unlimited access to project requirements and dates.  This page will be updated as new projects and project dates are made available.  And finally, a "People of Interest" page has been included to help students access information about those who made contributions  to mathematics and is a part of its history.

A peek at math from the past...before there were calculators

Table of Contents

Tutorials: Online instruction

Projects:  Timeline

Games: Online and interactive math activities and games designed to enhance learning

People of Interest: Mathematicians, inventors, and scientists who have made significant contributions to mathematics.

Helpful Sources:

KidsClick! :  A websearch for kids

*See Acknolwegedments for citations