
Significant People in the World of Math and Science

  Listed are web sites providing names and details of those who have made significant contributions to world of mathematics and science.

Women in Mathematics:  Alphabetical and chronological indexes

Mathematicians-Past and Present: Biographical indexes, provides both alphabetical and chronological formats

Mathematicians of the 17th and 18th Centuries: An account of the lives and contributions of past mathematicians. 

Thirty Outstanding Mathematicians :  Thirty short biographical sketches of  some of the greatest mathematicians of all time.

Inventors and Inventions:  A time line of inventors and inventions spanning twenty centuries, from the eleventh century up through present day.

African-Americans in the World of Science and Technology:  A collection of resources

Time Traveler WebQuest

A journey through history and the role mathematics played across time shaping civilization

Biographies available at Kirby Middle School Library